Weird bug zooming in and out of map

Issue #216 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

When you zoom around in the map, suddenly a scroll bar to the right of the browser appears and dissapears, shifting the whole wesbite left and right and left and right....

Comments (5)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    When you zoom the map? That's strange! Can you elaborate with an example or a screenshot, please?

  2. udemi reporter

    Baiscally the scroll bar which is permanetnly there on test.udemi, is only visible during zooming on the map on dev.udemi. So it appears and then dissapears, causig the whole screen to move

    UDEMI-Bug 13.JPG

  3. Enrico Piccini

    Rob said that he gets this problem on dev and prod when he use the scroll wheel of the mouse to zoom the map and the list of issues below is empty. In this case he saw the scrollbar. I'll check it

  4. Enrico Piccini

    Nothing to do, I cannot reproduce this problem. @Brotrob Can you please clear the cache? If it's not solve the problem, we need to have a call and share the screen

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