Update the welcome Email and remove wrong Link

Issue #218 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

We need to correct our UDEMI Welcome Email.

1) The link to our home page is wrong - it currently goes to demi.org ;) Needs to be udemi.org of course

2) The copyright text at the bottom should be smaller font size and grey

3) After we move the images to the new S3, you need to change the urls

4) The welcome text should be updated to:


Thank you for signing up for UDEMI. We are really happy to see you!

Now that you registered, why don't you complete your profile and submit your first issue, policy proposal or action?

We are currently in our beta testing phase, and you can make a real difference and help improve UDEMI by using our platform and giving us feedback and suggestions on how to improve our site.

Your UDEMI team

Comments (7)

  1. udemi reporter

    Hey @andrefsp

    The welcome Email still is not working. Can you try again and test it? I just got this feedback from a good friend (also a developer):

    • Welcome email twitter icon is broken
    • Visit website link doesn't work

    Which shows the issues I mentioned above still need to be solved

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