Facebook Signup Does Not Work

Issue #228 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

Whenever I try to sign up on Prod with one of the nwely created fake faqcebook profiles to test the site, it gives me an error (email already in use). This happens even for Facebook Accounts i just created with completely new Email Adresses.

Before we can invite any friends we need to solve this issue

Comments (26)

  1. udemi reporter
    • changed status to open

    The issue remains on prod - I cannot sign up with Facebook and get a weird error message (with a typo)

    UDEMI-Bug 20.JPG

  2. udemi reporter

    Hey guys @dwmarrs and @enricosoft

    The issue seems to be a persistent one - it still does not work on prod (works on test)

    I do not know how it can work on test but not on prod. Andre says its it frontend issue...

  3. David Marrs

    @enricosoft seems to work ok, so I merged it.

    One more edge case to handle is if they don't give permission to use their email address, but that can build upon what we have so far. (I'm going to start looking at that now)

  4. udemi reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hey guys, on Prod it does not work yet. If I sign up, nothing happens, and if I then repeat it says I already signed up. However, if I then want to log in, it says 'Invalid Credentials'

  5. Enrico Piccini

    I tried on dev.udemi.org and test.udemi.org with a facebook test user and it worked! I cannot try on prod because it's the production website, but the code is the same of test, so it on test worked, it will work also on prod.

    @Brotrob Are you already subscribed on prod? Which user you used to subscribe? Yours?

  6. David Marrs

    @enricosoft @Brotrob (do you get a notification if I use @udemi instead?) I bet that's a hangover from earlier problems, were you've approved the Udemi app in facebook but the data hasn't gone in the prod database. I think the changes to handle if someone allows the Udemi app, but not access to their email address (from facebook) which I started working on last night should sort this out too. I just needed to test it a bit more before merging into develop branch (I'll do that tonight)

  7. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs Ok dave, if you're working on this, complete that... I think the problem could be only if a user negate a permission because from my tests on DEV and TEST, the subscription works.

    Another thing I noticed that is strange: on firefox the facebook login popup remains open after the social login... Can you investigate?

  8. udemi reporter

    Hey @dwmarrs and @enricosoft.

    You can try yourself - create a Facebook Fake account (or use an existing one you have not subscribed at prod.udemi.org with yet) and try to sign up (sign up - not log in).

    So I signed up with a new Facebook account, and after some loading nothing happened. Then I tried to sign up again, and it said that I am already signed up and should log in.

    Then, when I follow that advice and try to log in, it says 'invalid credentials'.

    Please try on prod.udemi.org - you have to test on prod I'm afraid because prod seems to be special...

  9. David Marrs

    Acknowledging message 'on firefox the facebook login popup remains open after the social login... Can you investigate?'. Will take a look, cheers.

  10. David Marrs

    RE: the facebook login popup remains open after the social login

    I've tested this a bit in IE, FF and Chrome and they all seem to have the same problem, but only on localhost. Tried dev.udemi.org in Chrome and that was fine, and dev.udemi.org && test.udemi.org in FF and they were both fine (I assume it's the same for IE). I think there must just be something on the facebook side that checks it's a real url before sharing the link, and so localhost fails.

    I'm gonna say it's ok unless someone can get this to reproduce on a udemi.org site.

  11. David Marrs

    RE: IE11 problems

    In IE11, on localhost, click 'Signup with Facebook', the pop-up will appear (sign in if need be) then click ok. The button will fade out, but the pop-up won't close. Close the window manually, then click 'Signup with Facebook' again. The pop-up appears again but is blank. Note: you have been logged into facebook at this point (if you weren't already) but I don't think permission has been granted for the app (I can't spot a reference to it if I go to facebook.com while still logged in).

    dev.udemi.org seems fine though, so I feel like this is the same issue as with the social login.

  12. David Marrs

    @enricosoft for the spreadsheet you put together, were the tests done over http or https on test.udemi.org? Thanks

  13. udemi reporter

    I just had a friend whom I invited to post an issue on prod respond this:

    'awesome that you are launching! I tried to sign up with FB, user : antoine or tony but nothing happens. the page gets stuck...

    I asked him what browser he used. Maybe some users get the Facebook login pop up blocked and don't see that ?

  14. David Marrs

    RE: Firefox subscription on test.udemi.org - 'Ok, but the facebook popup remains open!!'

    In FIrefox (45.0.2 on Windows 8.1), went to http://test.udemi.org/welcome, clicked Sign Up -> Signup with Facebook

    Popups were blocked, had to enable for the site. The pop-up then opened. I was already logged into Facebook with my real account (not the test one I wanted to err... test with), so clicked Cancel. Pop-up wIndow wouldn't shut. So, closed window manually. Clicked Signup with Facebook again, now if I click Cancel the pop-up shuts ok. So, problem with first time use of Firefox pop-up blocker?

    When I logged out of facebook, and then tried the signup process again on http://test.udemi.org/welcome with a test user, it was ok

    Same with httpS://test.udemi.org/welcome : I had to approve pop-ups after first clicking our custom Signup with Facebook, and then a blank pop-up appeared (because I was already still logged into facebook with the above test user that I had already approved) but didn't dissapear, and in the Udemi sign-up modal the message 'Error during subscription: User with specified facebook Id already exists. Email specified already in use.' as would be expected (because I had already signed them up). If I then click the Signup with Facebook button again, the blank pop-up appears and closes ok.

    So @enricosoft do you remember if you needed to allow pop-ups in FIrefox just before you were having that issue?

  15. David Marrs

    RE: IE11 on test.udemi.org

    Could not reproduce issues over http or https on IE 11.0.9600.18231 n Windows 8.1

    I did need to allow pop-ups (as with Firefox, above), but IE11 handles this by reloading the whole Udemi page (so you need to start again), rather than then loading the pop-up (as Firefox does)

  16. David Marrs

    Update: After a screen share with Enrico where he demonstrated the appearance of the 'You are not logged into Facebook' error in IE11, we have set the second param in the call to FB.getLoginStatus() inside Udemi.auth.FB.CONNECT to true to attempt to bust cache. It did not help resolve the problem.

    On http://dev.udemi.org in Chrome, FF & IE11 the callback function passed to FB.getLoginStatus() (the first parameter) is not being fired.

    Which suggests that there is an issue with the setup of the actual facebook app.

  17. Enrico Piccini

    @andrefsp I need your help to configure our 4 facebook apps... I said 4 because I created a different app for TEST.UDEMI.ORG to make it separate from DEV. I need your help to configure the

    Go to: Settings Advanced

    Now you need to set a valid Oauth Uri because it's required field. Right now you can find the website domain (e.g. http://test.udemi.org) but of course it's not a valid oauth redirect uri Right now the apps are not working because it's a required field and the one I tried to set is not valid

    @Brotrob Don't ask friends to join today because we need to complete this setting

  18. Enrico Piccini

    Guys, finally I find the problem!!! :) I also improved a bit the fb configuration.

    @dwmarrs Don't set the 2nd parameter to this method "FB.getLoginStatus". The "true" parameter was the problem

    Just need to deploy...

    @dwmarrs Dave, if there are other things to fix in this issue, please open another one

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