Not all users are shown under the users tab

Issue #249 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

If you go to the admin panel, you will see many more users than show up in the users tab. For example, some of the users I registered with location, and some my friends registred, do not show up.

There is a bug somewhere there....

Comments (21)

  1. udemi reporter

    Weird: in Chrome the problem exists (even after cache emptying), in Opera it does not seem to exist!!

  2. udemi reporter

    OK guys this is hilarious:

    • In Chrome, I only see 10 users and cannot scroll down
    • In Firefox and Opera I see all users correctly
    • In IE, I see all users three times over

    You couldn't make this up :)

  3. Enrico Piccini

    Maybe it could be the infinite scrolling. I'm sure it worked but then Andre changed the number of items that return for each page from the backend and maybe this change broke something on the front-end...

  4. Enrico Piccini

    On a first test (searching for europe) a scrolling slowly the infinite scrolling in chrome is working and I count 52 users (that is correct). On firefox is the same. On IE11 that I see duplicates. I need to check it.

    On a second test scrolling rapidly, I saw duplicates also on chrome. I need to check it

  5. Enrico Piccini

    The fix doesn't solved. I check the API and is working correctly. Maybe I trigger the API call 2 times. I need to check this better

  6. Enrico Piccini

    @Brotrob Hey Rob, I'm sorry but on prod it's working. I think you need only to clear the browser cache. Let me know if you need help

  7. udemi reporter

    Hey @enricosoft - I cleared all cahce and also all cookies - I still only see 10 users under the user tab in Chrome. In other browsers it works...

    What could it be?

  8. Enrico Piccini

    Rob has this problem only on chrome (ver. 50.0.26). At first glance I thinked that it was because there was no scrollbar visible so he can't scroll down, but it's not. Also with scrollbar it doesn't work. We tried to clear the cache but it doesn't solve the problem. It's very very strange... I need to check it

  9. Enrico Piccini

    We checked also the console for errors but nothing. Rob has the same chrome version of my pc. I need to check the problem

  10. Enrico Piccini

    I do a new deploy to prod with a possibile fix... @Brotrob When you've time, can you try the same thing on to check if there it works?

  11. udemi reporter

    So @enricosoft I tested it and something funny happens: if I just click on the users tab, it does not work. But after I hovered on the map, zoomed in and out a tiny bit (not changing location), I can then suddenly use the infinite scroll. Weird :)

  12. udemi reporter

    This is so weird @enricosoft : on it works, on prod. it still does not work. Well, as long as it keeps working on its solved....

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