Reduce height of map

Issue #48 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

Currently, users cannot see that there are issues below of the map when they first see the udemi site.

At the moment, the map is, I believe: width: 256px; height: 148px. We have to reduce the height, maybe to 120px (and also the height of the white box, see Basecamp thread 11)

This way users can see that there are issues below the map.

Comments (6)

  1. udemi reporter

    I tested this problem: in the smallest screen (where the height is 768px) if the user is logged in, he can see only the first row of the issue list. Instead if the user is not logged, he can't see rows. (but he can see the scrollbar)

    Before change the height and check if the gmap script has problem with this change, I wanna make some considerations: 1) the impact with the design? (ask to Mario) 2) the screens of the users that have higher height, so in the short period, we will not have this problem... and in a big screen it's better to have the current size of map because it's nice :)

    What do you think guys?

  2. udemi reporter

    Hey Enrico,

    Lets reduce the height of the map a little bit only then, to 130px. it wont change the appearance much, but will help the user.

  3. Mario Borg

    Hey Enrico,

    I just tested with a screenshot, I would reduce the height by 110px instead of 130px at least thats how it looks on my Chrome

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