Add user number to profiles section

Issue #56 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

This is important, as most beta testes did not realise that the map region reflects the number of users shown.

See attached image for example.

Comments (5)

  1. David Marrs

    Not sure about this suggestion: it might be a good idea to put something that indicates there are no (viewable) users in the region, so that users can see something is supposed to be happening on this screen, but I think that, as we discussed with issues, if we put a really low number (14 across northern europe?) it's going to look a bit lame.

    I think it is better to have, as on the front page, an arrow saying 'Use the map to find users of the site' (or something to that effect) and then show a message like 'There are no viewable users in this region', and then when the map is dragged to a region which does have viewable users have that second message dissapear.

    What do you think?

  2. udemi reporter

    Well, for now that is an OK solution.

    If we can just duplicate the arrow we have on the front page and write:

    "Use the map to find users in your area."

    We should be fine. Can you implement that?


  3. David Marrs

    I've added the message with the arrow, and left the message about 'There are no users with open profiles in this area', because it occured to me that we are not displaying a message that 'There are no issues in this area' on the home page. Hopefully that fits with your reply Rob!


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