Possible for issues/profiles not to have lat/lng even though user has filled location field in

Issue #8 resolved
David Marrs created an issue

On the form to add an issue, or edit my profile (on the release/0.1-BoundedProfiles branch) if I type out the full value 'New York, NY' (or any other place) rather than typing 'New Y' and then thinking to myself, 'Ah, there's the value', and selecting it from the drop-down, the hidden longitude and latitude fields are not populated. Perhaps we need a visual indicator to show that a place has been sucessfully selected? Like, the pin next to the drop down could light up green? And the form is prevented from submitting until a longitude/latitude matching the string in the text field has been selected (e.g. a boolean is set as false initially, set to true when a place name is selected from the dropdown and then set to false again when the user types in the field - may need a bit of experimentation to see what works)?

Also, I noticed that an error is raised when submitting an issue without specifying location, probably due to longitude and latitude on the form being required (I set them to not required on the Profile form)

Comments (3)

  1. David Marrs reporter

    Sorry for assigning this just to you Enrico: thought it might be a question for you and Mario, but he doesn't seem to have an account on here!

  2. Enrico Piccini

    Hey David, Don't worry! Yes, I think that we can control if lat and lon are filled and if not we can show a message to the user...

    Using the google maps autocomplete you need to select on of the option that autocomplete proposes to you... Or the lat/lon are not filled...

    What do you think?

    Enrico Inviato da IPhone

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