Firefox Login

Issue #18 closed
Michael Merva created an issue

Unable to login with Firefox (v65.0.2) -- the message is "The credentials you provided cannot be determined to be authentic." I AM able to log in with Chrome, but I do have that set to empty the cache every time I close it (because I have this same problem with Athena, OneSource, Etc...) However, I cleared the cache in Firefox and it didn't help... (I will continue to troubleshoot and update this if I have any new information...)

Comments (5)

  1. Prince Duepa

    @mikemerva that particular message is coming from CAS. Usually means the username and/or password is incorrect. Have you had any luck since submitting the issue?

    Please vote on this if you're having the same issue.

  2. Michael Merva reporter

    Oh interesting! It autofilled an old password for me for some reason. I use Firefox for most CAS stuff so I assumed it would have used the same password, but it didn't. Weird... Okay nevermind!

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