After modifying a relationship, old and new relationships on resulting screen

Issue #3 closed
Matthew Head created an issue

After I modify a relationship, the old relationship and the new relationship both exist on the resulting screen.

Comments (9)

  1. Michael Merva

    I also had this happen to me one (the person had only the "TA" relationship, I deleted that and added General Advisor and both appeared when I submitted it), but then couldn't replicate it again...

  2. Prince Duepa

    @mzhead one of the changes we made is that relationships no longer modifiable. You can only delete them. Did you mean users (like @mikemerva)?

    Which browsers are you using, respectively.

  3. Matthew Head reporter

    Now I'm not sure how I accomplished changing a relationship! I feel like I was able to open a relationship and modify it when testing before, but it could all be in my head. Regardless, it doesn't seem to be an issue now! :)

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