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sage-mgmtv2 / Submitting Issues

Feature request

A feature request can be created to request new and non-existing features to SAGE MGMT. This also includes ideas for potential features. The feature request must include a title and description. The feature request should also provide a use case and try to adhere to the format below.

As an example:

Title: Ability to download user list

Description: As a user, from within SAGE MGMT, I should be able to download user reports. For instance, I can download a list of all users with the Primary Advisor role.


A bug report can be created to report when Management is not working as expected.

A bug report card must include the following:

  • Title
  • Description that includes steps to reproduce the bug
  • Browser version
  • Error messages and screenshots (if any)

An example bug report:

Title: Relationships not created when uploading relationship file

Description: Nothing happens whenever I try to create new relationships by uploading a relationship file. I verified that the relationships are not created by searching on the Relationships page.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click upload file on Relationships page
  2. Select the file to upload
  3. Select "Create new relationships" for File Operation
  4. Click upload

Browser: Firefox v61.0.2


A Improvement/Enhancement issue can be created to request improvements to already implemented and existing feature.

Enhancement issues must include a title and description including how you expect the enhanced feature to behave/work.

An example Enhancement card:

Title: Provide feedback/confirmation on actions I take

Description: When I perform an action in Management (add a new user, remove role from user, delete a relationship, etc...) I would like to get back some confirmation whether or not the action was successful.

Issues can be submitted via our issue tracker
