Typo in waterwedge config

Issue #23 resolved
Simon Hinton created an issue

As reported on the forum, no idea if it causes in-game issues but i thought i'd log it anyway :)

                             name = USFuelSwitch
                         SwitchID = 0
                         resourceNames = Water;Water;Water;Water
                         resourceAmounts = 120;240;360;480

initialResourceAmounts -> resourceAmounts = 120;240;360;480 tankCost = 0;150;300;450 tankMass = 0.083;0.166;0.249;0.332 hasGUI = False availableInEditor = False

Comments (2)

  1. Simon Hinton reporter

    Well that formatting screwed up bad, it's really just the duplication of the resourceAmounts field, instead of having initialResourceAmounts there alongside it

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