Bug: fuelCrossfeed not working due to cores 'forgetting' what part was attached to their bottom node

Issue #41 new
Jognt created an issue

Requires “Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules” to be enabled in the save’s settings

To reproduce:

  1. Have Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules enabled;
  2. Build a craft with two fueltanks opposite of a US core;
  3. Empty both tanks a bit to be able to test;
  4. Launch the craft;
  5. Resource transfer (ALT click) works;
  6. Revert to Vehicle Assembly;
  7. Do not change anything;
  8. Launch it again;
  9. Resource transfer no longer works;

Upon inspection of the save/craft file, the node that had the bottom tank attached to it is set to -1, with the bottom part now having the part BELOW that set as its parent. Seemingly making the part disconnected from the ship itself. This probably affects every craft that was not built+launched in one session.

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