Bug: Multiple skin variants shown overlapping in part picker

Issue #42 new
Paul Kingtiger created an issue

This looks the same as issue 20. More than one part variant skin is showing in the VAB part picker UI.

Bug reported on the forums by Nefrem.

with both US2 version 1.7 and the beta 1.8.1 RC6

  • It's only on the miniatures, the "real" parts haven't that glitch
  • Retart the game resolve the bug

Comments (3)

  1. David Grandy

    Based on the comments on the forum, and the fact that this part appears to be nonfunctional, I think this is caused by something preventing the US2 plugin from loading.

  2. David Grandy

    Actually this does seem to be a bug. I’m not sure exactly why it’s showing up in this case, it would need the config to be edited, but there is a case where the VAB icon UI can get screwed up, causing the overlapping meshes and the lack of the variant switcher icons. This will be fixed in the next version.

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