USRadialTanks badly broken when Snacks! is installed

Issue #47 resolved
Former user created an issue

When the Snacks! life-support mod is installed, the US radial tank is mis-named "Soil tank", and its resource switcher is weird: the Oxygen variant actually holds Soil, and the other variants (Hydrogen, Monoprop, etc.) don't hold anything. (Soil is the Snacks mod's waste resource.)

This is because SolidWasteWedge.cfg contains a "@PART[USRadialTanks]:NEEDS[SnacksUtils]" block that accidentally patches it with stuff that was meant to be applied to USSolidWasteWedge. The "@PART[USRadialTanks]" in that file should be changed to "@PART[USSolidWasteWedge]".

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