Add Snacks! recycler support to USWaterPurifier

Issue #51 resolved
Former user created an issue

The USWaterPurifier part currently doesn't get loaded when using the Snacks! life-support mod, but Snacks has recycler functionality and that part seems like the right place to provide it.

In my own copy, I added SnacksUtils to the NEEDS at the top of WaterPurifier.cfg, then added this block farther down:

            // Base attributes
                @title = Universal Storage: Soil Recycler
                @tags = Universal Storage Wedge Recycling Soil Snacks
                @description = TBD

            // Tech Tree
                @TechRequired = spaceExploration
                @entryCost = 3200

            // Plugin control
                name = SoilRecycler
                ConverterName = Soil Recycler
                StartActionName = Start Soil Recycler
                StopActionName = Stop Soil Recycler
                AutoShutdown = false
                GeneratesHeat = false
                UseSpecialistBonus = true
                ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
                EfficiencyBonus = 1.0
                RecyclerCapacity = 4

                    ResourceName = Soil
                    Ratio = 0.00004630
                    FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

                    ResourceName = ElectricCharge
                    Ratio = 3
                    FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

                    ResourceName = Snacks
                    Ratio = 0.00004630
                    DumpExcess = false
                    FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL


This seems to work pretty well. The SoilRecycler is copied from what Snacks itself adds to several stock parts.

The only real "tunable" to consider is RecyclerCapacity, which is how many kerbals the recycler is intended to support. The Snacks mod adds built-in recyclers to some 4-kerbal crewed parts, but doesn't provide any standalone recycler parts of its own, so there isn't a clear guideline for balancing RecyclerCapacity vs. part size and mass, except that they're not meant to be big and bulky. (And a US2 standalone recycler would be useful because command pods don't get built-in recyclers.)

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