Waste wedges have no resource storage when set to larger sizes

Issue #57 new
Clay Caviness created an issue

The Solid Waste, Carbon Dioxide, and Grey water wedges lose their resource storage when set to any size larger than single.

To reproduce:
Install US2 and Kerbalism
Add one of the wedges above to a core
The wedge correctly lists the specified resource in the PAW (Waste, Carbon Dioxide, or WasteWater)
Change the wedge height to double, triple, or quad
The wedge no longer has any resources listed

In flight, these larger wedges are useless now as they have no storage capability.

I had a peek at the .cfg files, but I can't see what would be causing this to occur.

(I also suggest setting the initialResourceAmounts for these waste products to 0, so you don't accidentally launch with a tank full of sewage.)

KSP 1.9.1
Kerbalism 3.11

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