Any science module in US2 that requires resetting doesn't work with ScienceAlert(or most science automation mod I think), science modules become inoperable

Issue #63 new
Creepily created an issue

After using ForScience’s menu to do science on UniverseStorage2 modules, the module shows up as “Unable to Run Experiement, Science Module is full” when trying to run the experiments again, there is no option to either collect or reset the data

Some parts affected include the L-ALT Mapping Camera, Advanced Goo Unit and Advanced Material Bay

Doesn’t work with most mods that automates science/does experiments through menus or stuff like that

Examples: ScienceAlert ReAlerted, [x]Science! Continued, ForScience!(maybe)

Did post a bug report to ScienceAlert, if it’s their problem then maybe can you add some details on what needs patching specifically so I can link this issue report to them?

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