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Welcome to the ManifoldStatistics wiki! This page will take you through the steps to build the library.


To install ManifoldStatistics, you will first need to install the following. Recommended versions are listed, but things may work with other versions.

Follow the installation procedures for each of the above. For Expokit, we recommend building the file expokit.f using the following procedure:

> gfortran -c -fPIC expokit.f -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -o expokit.o
> ar rcs [library filename] expokit.o
The naming convention for the [library filename] will depend on your OS, e.g., for Linux, or libexpokit.dylib for Mac. If you copy the resulting library to a standard place (e.g., /usr/local/lib), CMake will hopefully find it for you automatically when you build ManifoldStatistics.

Getting the source

First, clone the source code:

> git clone [local directory]

Building the library

Next, create a directory to build the source, and run ccmake from within it:

> mkdir Build
> cd Build
> ccmake [path to source directory]

Inside CMake, hit 'c' to configure. Then hit 'c' again. At this point, you may need to tell CMake where it can find the dependencies (Boost, Armadillo, Expokit). If they are in standard directories, then CMake may find them for you. Once everything is in order, type 'g' to generate the makefile.

Now you are ready to build the ManifoldStatistics library. Simply run make:

> make
