'name2' keyError

Issue #1 resolved
Walter Eckalbar created an issue

Hi devs! I’m trying to get your software working for automation of picking large amounts of sgRNAs for some screens, but am encountering the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/walter/tools/valenlab-chopchop-a4359cbe255a/chopchop.py", line 3304, in <module>
  File "/home/walter/tools/valenlab-chopchop-a4359cbe255a/chopchop.py", line 2865, in main
    args.outputDir, args.consensusUnion, args.jsonVisualize, args.guideSize)
  File "/home/walter/tools/valenlab-chopchop-a4359cbe255a/chopchop.py", line 2278, in parseTargets
    gene, txInfo = geneToCoord_file(target_string, data)
  File "/home/walter/tools/valenlab-chopchop-a4359cbe255a/chopchop.py", line 1107, in geneToCoord_file
    if row['name'] == gene_in or row['name2'] == gene_in or row['name'] == gene_in.upper() \
KeyError: 'name2'

I am not sure if you are actively maintaining this or not, as it is still on python2, but suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Comments (2)

  1. Qian Yu


    I have met the same error. I think the problem is that the refFlat gene_table doesn’t contain ‘name2' column.

    So I went to UCSC table browser, and I downloaded ‘UCSC RefSeq(refGene)’ instead of ‘refFlat’. Then the script work again for me!


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