BED output with score as 4th field instead of rank

Issue #11 new
Stephane Plaisance created an issue

This would be nice to have in order to pick (color) candidates based on their score value rather than a rank.

currently we get:

browser position eGFP_vect:1000-1720
track name=CHOPCHOP description=eGFP_vect:1000-1720 visibility="pack" itemRgb="On"
eGFP_vect       1676    1699    Ranked:1        0       -       1676    1699    255,255,0
eGFP_vect       1682    1705    Ranked:2        0       -       1682    1705    255,255,0
eGFP_vect       1443    1466    Ranked:3        0       -       1443    1466    255,255,0

Likewise, adding the score to the name of hits in the Genbank output would allow carry that value forward in sequence editor software (eg SnapGene or CLC)

Best regards

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