pickle package not found

Issue #6 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am trying to create a specific env for chopchop and do not find picke with pip or conda install. Can you please add more info about the required package location. Thanks

Comments (2)

  1. Stephane Plaisance
    Andrew Hess created an issue 7 hours ago
    This is to offer some guidance for those who wish to create a conda environment for chopchop (I couldnt comment on the original post for some reason).
    I found that this recipe worked:
    conda install -c anaconda biopython pandas numpy scipy argparse mysql-python scikit-learn=0.18.1
    A few warnings/errors pop up when the environment is activated, but everything seems to run without any issues.

    Thanks Andrew,

    I also cannot comment on your new issue. It seems the bucket is behaving bad.

    It fixed the issue for Mysql but pickle is not in your list, what is it used for and where to find it?


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