RE: pickle package not found

Issue #9 resolved
Andrew Hess created an issue

This is to offer some guidance for those who wish to create a conda environment for chopchop (I couldn’t comment on the original post for some reason).

I found that this recipe worked:

conda install -c anaconda biopython pandas numpy scipy argparse mysql-python scikit-learn=0.18.1

A few warnings/errors pop up when the environment is activated, but everything seems to run without any issues.

Comments (7)

  1. Stephane Plaisance

    pip install pickle also fails and warns that python 2.7 is discontinued.

    Are there plans to port chopchop to python3?

  2. Andrew Hess reporter

    As far as I know, pickle is installed along with python by default as part of the standard library, so you don’t need to explicitly install it (which is why the recipe I provided works).

    I’m not the developer (just thought I would help with the environment because I was able to get something working), so I can’t tell you whether or not there are plans to port chopchop to python3.

  3. Stephane Plaisance

    Hi Andrew, Yes I know you are not responsible for this channel and I thanks you very much for your help, you allowed me install it and I am very grateful. The remark was for the developer who I hope will read it and consider the request.


  4. Kornel Labun

    We are porting chopchop to python 3, but this is work in progress. We need to make a lot of dependencies to docker etc., but in less than half a year it should be ready.

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