Purchase validation failed after system reset/ new chrome profile

Issue #19 resolved
Andrey Vyrvich created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Andrey Vyrvich reporter

    Nico, can you please help me investigate this;

    just few steps: 1. open this link in chrome: chrome://extensions/?id=iccfdkmiglokncbdheedflohigmijpdj

    1. at the top right corner of this page check 'Developer Mode' checkbox

    2. next to JIRA Assistant extension now you should see 'Inspect views: core.html'; click on core.html

    3. in the openede developer console window go to 'Console' tab, paste this code and hit Enter:

      order => console.log('success', JSON.stringify(order)), 
      error => console.log('error', error)

    please, send me output

  2. Andrey Vyrvich reporter

    Nico, I've just checked similar flow - created chrome profile and linked it to gmail account; then purchased subscription on this PC; then on another PC created new chrome proifle and synced it with gmail account; it synced all the extensions; however it might sync extension before it sync purchase details so by the time i open JIRA extension it showed me 'trial version' however after complete chrome restart everything is synced properly and JIRA assistant is premium;

    did you try to restart you browser? PC?

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