
Clone wiki

vanted / Home

Develop on and for VANTED

This wiki is intented to be a source for developers for the VANTED platform.

To get more information about what VANTED is, visit the project website.

To develop and change the VANTED source code or develop new Add-ons, follow the guides and tutorials on this wiki.

Checklist before start coding

  • Make sure you have at least Java 7 JDK installed. If not, download the latest Java JDK here: link.
  • To work with GIT on Windows you either install GIT-bash link (for command line users), or use SourceTree link (graphical), a very nice tool to work with GIT repositories.
  • Install Eclipse link.

Once you have installed all the necessary tools, you could read the following pages through for more information:

The source code is hosted on BitBucket link as a GIT repository. The project is developed using Eclipse and as such is already setup for being used in Eclipse.

Happy Coding!
