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vanted / Sourcecode

Get the code

To start developing you have to checkout two git repositories. The VANTED code base and a library repository that contains all libraries used by VANTED.

To start, create a new directory, where your VANTED code and eclipse workspace will reside.

Change to that directory and clone the code from BitBucket. For this guide all git commands are executed on the command line. Please, refer to the SourceTree tutorials on how to checkout code using the graphical interface.

# Clone the VANTED code base:
$ git clone

# Clone the VANTED library repository:
$ git clone

Main stable branch is master.

Main development is happening on the develop-branch. This is not always a stable branch.

Now start Eclipse and select a workspace. This would be the directory you have created before.

Setup Eclipse

Now it is time for the final tweaks in Eclipse.

Import Projects

You should see an empty workspace. Now you need to import the two projects, that reside in the directory, but are not part of your workspace-projects yet. To do so:

  • Select File -> Import from the Menu.
  • select Existing Projects into Workspace.
  • select the root directory which is the directory you created before.
  • if not already selected, selected vanted and vanted-lib-repository from the list.

Check Encoding

If you are working on Windows, please make sure, that the character encoding is set to UTF-8. You can set the encoding in the Eclipse preferences under General -> Encoding. Make sure the Text file encoding is set to UTF-8. After changing the encoding Eclipse will build the project again.

Start Program

Open the Java file in the package ipk_gatersleben.ag_nw.graffiti.plugins.gui.webstart. Now right-click on the file in the Package Explorer and Debug/Run as Java Application.

You should see now VANTED starting.

To enable debugging messages on the console, open the Run/Debug configuration Eclipse just created for you. It should be called Main. Now open the Arguments tab and enter the following into the VM arguments: field: -Dvanted.debug="true".

You should see now a log message, telling you that logging is enabled:

Main:* - If you can read this: Vanted is displaying debug messages

That's it. You're good to go and start developing.
