ntv.MX issues

Issue #109 resolved
Former user created an issue

I keep getting stb damaged/blocked what should I do

Comments (2)

  1. Max repo owner

    This is an emulator issue which happens with a new Stalker portal. I can't fix it because I don't know some important information about how a real device works, so I cannot emulate this behavior.

    There are some of actions you can do to make it work (use one of them):

    • unset flag "Send Device ID" in profile's "Advanced settings". May not help if device ID validation is enabled on server;

    • If you're portal's owner set enable_device_id_validation=false in server/config.ini .

    • use my WebProxy (http://wiki.stbemu.com/index.php?title=WebProxy - this page isn't translated into English yet - user translator) on a PC in your local network;

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