
Issue #129 new
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Hi, I d like to know the configuration to use futubox on the emulator. Thanks Regards S

Comments (27)

  1. Max repo owner

    Hi. It look's like you only need to enter http://stb.iptv-portal.org in portal URL field in profile configuration and your MAC address.

  2. Safwan Hadla

    Hi dear, after I skimmed through the app I managed to be able to let futubox start .But everytime I try to go setting, the application says the app failed to load. A restart my be necessary (not word for word). The Problem is that everything is done correctly, the app is loaded to futubox, but no channels are seen to choose from. I even could manage to make a spped test and choose a server. Please help.

  3. Safwan Hadla

    it does say: emulator core initialization failed. App restart us required. By the way on another russian portal, the app works smoothly. Unfortunately, I do not understand a word Russian.

  4. Safwan Hadla

    And is there anyway in which we choose the languauge source 1 or 2 or en for english as is the case with MXPlayer. Thanks in advance for this great job dear Maxim.

  5. Leo

    For futubox you can have the language in english just use en in the config. As for the player don't use vlc on mediaplayer but internal player or external player. Work great for me

  6. Safwan Hadla

    thanks dear Alb, but the portal does not load the channel lists at all. I do not think that the language selection has anything to do with it. And when I try to go to setting, I have this message. (emulator core initialization failed. App restart is required). Would you be kind enough to tell me how did you do that step for step because I am still not able to watch any channel. By the way, I have put my user and pass words, and my account is authenticized. I do not know why it does not. PLease if you know, tell. Thanks in advance.

  7. Leo

    Sometimes i don't have the complet list like you, when thats happen just load again the portal and you have the complet list of channels. Did you chose internal or external player on the Mediaplayer tab?

  8. Leo

    Other thing if you don't have any channel on the list you need to delete your login to futubox and create a new one and don't give a name to the new login on the Console page.

  9. Safwan Hadla

    okay, thanks , I tried all what you have said sofar. I will try it today and let you know about it. Thanks for your reply. By the way, did you change your mac address. SHould I do sth there? Thanks again.

  10. Safwan Hadla

    thank you albspirit. I think the problem was that I used stb.futubox.to and not http://stb.iptv-portal.org. Now, everything works. Thank you AlbSpirit and thank you Maxim for this wonderful job. By the way Maxim, If I may, may you think of doing sth regarding an iptv player (interface) One can just hope you will come with a better invention.

  11. Safwan Hadla

    Hi again, the stbemulator works a wonder. But there is still sth that is bothering me. VLC doesnot work properly with futuox, but with Russian providers it works perfeclty. The Internal player shows a blue line in the middle of the screen and I cannot get rid of it. It works very well, but it bothers me that I cannot let it go,and everytime I go to Setting the following message shows up : (emulator core initialization failed. App restart is required), what should I do to get rid of this blue line : I think it is the boffer status line. Can any one help, please?

  12. Max repo owner


    1. For now it's not easy to change the app interface and make it like iptv player, but I'll try to do something.

    2. Can you make a screenshot or photo of a video with blue line in internal player?

    3. I'll fix the error message "emulator core initialization failed." in the next version. Or, actually, I can't fix that but I can add an option to increase app initialization time. For now it's 2 seconds but on some divices like your it requires more time to to initialize.

  13. Safwan Hadla

    Dear Maxim: thank you very much for your fast reply. I really did not expect more of an application. Your work is a wonder. The autoconnect function is really wonderful. I bearly notice that the connection is lost and here it is again. A million thanks. Is there any way that I could load my own list to thestb emulator either beside futubox or on its own? Could that be possible. Regarding the IPTV: I really tried alot of applications where I can play my own list. Unfortunately, they are not to compare with your app. I really hope to see an android iptv player with a good interface that could play all parameteres and certainly one that could play streams with tokens. Thanks for considering to increase the app initialization time. Attached is the photo. Many many thanks.stb emulator.JPG

  14. Safwan Hadla

    Sorry again, i have another question: can I change the output lanugae to English as Default in the internal player. If yes, please, tell me how. Thanks.

  15. Max repo owner

    Hi. I've added option "JS core initialization time" into Common settings. By default it's 2000 ms, so you may increase it. New versio is in Google Play, will be available tto download in a few hours.

    You can't change language if portal doesn't allow it. Thare's no such option in the emulator.

  16. Safwan Hadla

    hi again, and thank you for the reply. I downloaded and installed the new version. I had then a problem: as I put the stb to work, a message in blue in shown on the screen: your stb is blocked. Contact the provider. I uninstalled the new version and then Installed the old version, but the same message kept showing on the screen when the software loads. I wrote then futubox about the problem. They told me emulator is not supported which is totally nonsense because it does the same work. However, I manged to uninstall the old version and downloaded the new version again. Now, the stb em loads, but the channel lists are not shown.

    1- Any idea why? 2- I still have the same problem once I go to the setting: ("emulator core initialization failed.") although I maximized the time to 6000.

    Thanks in advance;you are the expert here....I am really sorry for bothering you again and again.

  17. Leo

    Hello, i have the new version and futubox is working great. If the problem perist delete the account on the console and create a new one. Try to change the serial number also.

  18. Max repo owner

    Hi. The error "your stb is blocked" appears when you use both a real MAG and the emulator. MAG developers have added so-called "device id" that is possibly SHA-1 hash of some string, but I don't know what string they're using. That's why I can't generate the same device id in the emulator. So when MAG loads a portal in the first time the portal gets device id of the MAG and writes it into database. And then every time portal is loaded it checks if stored device id is the same as your device has. It will be the same for a real MAG, but not for the emulator. That's why this message appears.

  19. Leo

    Maxim i have an stalker portal with a lot off user in it (mag adress, id devices) maybe this can help you to understand. Contact me.

  20. Max repo owner

    Are you a portal owner? Then you can just turn off device id checking. In stalker_portal/server/config.ini set enable_device_id_validation to false.

  21. Max repo owner

    btw, can you send me the following data from your database (in private mesasage or on my email mvasilchuk@gmail.com). From table "users": mac, serial_number, access_token, device_id, device_id2?

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