Autoplay on live tv, change weather city

Issue #169 on hold
Former user created an issue

This is not really a bug but more of a question - is there a way to stop the channels from autoplaying? When I use the up/down arrow to move to the next channel on the list it begins playing. Is there a way to stop this and only play when you click ok? This refers to the list view of channels and not fullscreen play of channels.

Second - How would we access the inner portal to change city that shows on weather?

Thank you!

Comments (2)

  1. Max repo owner

    As far as I know there is not way to fix both issues (at least from the emulator), because channels can be stopped if this option is set in servers configuration . And if you don't have and option to change default city in your portal there is no way to change it in emulator yet.

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