Loading/Progress bar when watching Live TV

Issue #182 resolved
Fazal Juman created an issue

Please see attachment to see bar that shows up when watching live tv. Note: Bar does not show when in preview mode, only full screen mode.

Versions tested: STB Emulator: 0.5.14 / 0.5.18 / 0.5.21 / 0.5.22

Android box tested on: Tronsmart Draco AW80 Telos / MXIII

O/S: Android 4.4.2

Server/Service Used: iptvprivateserver

Emulators Tested: Mag250, Mag254 and Mag260

Comments (4)

  1. Tommy Mao

    Yes the internal player works great but on a freezing channel the progress bar gets stuck on the screen and is very annoying. Please see if this can be disabled.

  2. Fazal Juman reporter

    Hey Tommy,

    It doesn't even take a freezing channel for that bar to show up for me. As soon as I move from preview screen to full screen it comes up. Otherwise it works great! I really dont like using an external player like MX as it takes away from the fluidness of switching channels. And when I try using VLC 1.1 it just crashes the STB emulator software.

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