Profiles don't load after last update (0.6)

Issue #192 new
Agon Bexheti created an issue

Since last update v0.6, no profile seems to load including the Demo profile (progress bar staying in background). It needs several times to switch between different profiles until one would load successfully.

Comments (17)

  1. Max repo owner


    Check if flags "Fix index page" and "Fix page encoding" in profile's Advanced settings are set. They should be set since 0.6 by default.

  2. Max repo owner

    You don't need to install VLC, because VLC core is already included into the emulator, so external VLC is not required.

    What's you android version? And what type of internet connection are you using (Wi-Fi, 3G)?

  3. Agon Bexheti reporter

    On lower versions (e.g. 0.5.27) when I disable the option "Fix broken Ajax in android" I experience this same behavior (the profile won't load at all). While in version 0.6 I tried enabling and disabling the fix broken ajax option, it doesn't change anything.

  4. Agon Bexheti reporter

    Unfortunately I can't share the portal for now. But I don't think it's a problem from a portal side. Even the test portal doesn't load. I just see the empty progress bar on the screen.

  5. Max repo owner

    You need to have both "Fix index page" and "Fix page encoding" in Profile->"Additional settings" be set. Check if they are set.

  6. Agon Bexheti reporter

    I think should be Stalker. Actually I am using the virtual machine provided for download from Infomir, without any modification.

  7. Max repo owner

    On what stage does it stop loading? Do you see at least a progress bar and if yes, how much does it filled?

  8. Agon Bexheti reporter

    Yes I see the progress bar. It stays empty and it doesn't get filled at all with the tellow color. Only the animation inside the bar continues to be active without getting filled.

  9. Max repo owner

    Try to remove the profile and restart the app. After you restart it demo profile will be recreated (if you don't have another profiles) and you need to change the URL and MAC to yours. It looks like some configuration options are broken.

  10. Agon Bexheti reporter

    Tred your suggestion, a default profile eas created automatically. Still no success. Strange. I din't have any problem with previois versions.

  11. Max repo owner

    I've changed some emulation method in 0.6, but on all portals I tested it worked good (and even better than before). BTW, what stalker version is installed? It should be written in stalker_portal/changelog.txt

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