Bug on preview mode

Issue #275 new
Leo created an issue

Hello, i have the latest version and i'm using the pro version. I'm having some problems i think it's a bug. Sometimes when the channels opens in the preview and i click to have a full mode i just have a black screen. and also some problems with the epg. When the time is 22h00 the i don't have the current epg in the list but the epg after exemple next show 22h50 or 23h00.

Edit 1 : Here i upload a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlexIWoi8pc

Comments (3)

  1. Max repo owner


    Try to disable browser hardware acceleration (Common settings->Hardware acceleration). There's also hardware acceleration for IjkPlayer, you may try to disable it as well (Common settings->Ijk player settings-> uncheck "Use MediaCodec").

  2. Leo reporter

    It's the same, nothing change when i desable the hardware acceleration. And i have also a problem with the new player (exo player). Nothing is working, just a black screen.

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