Не работает udpxy

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Адрес сервера введен правильно а выдает ункнов медиа файл((

Comments (6)

  1. Max repo owner

    Видимо нет подходящего кодека в телефоне/планшете.

  2. Plamen Metodiev

    Hello. This application doesn't work on my Samsung Galaxy S3. I've tested it on HTC smart phones and it doesn't work on them either. I'd be grateful if you could help me. Thank you!

  3. Max repo owner

    Could you please give me some extra information about what doesn't work: portal doesn't work as it should or you cannot watch video because of media error? And it would be great if you write the URL of the portal you use.

  4. Ivo Stefanoff

    Hello, Maxim! I've tested on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7". The video content doesn't fit into the correct resolution and mpeg2 channels could not be played. I'll appreciate any help and suggestions. Thank you

  5. Max repo owner

    Thanks for you response. I've fixed video resolution in the development build, so it will be an update in a few days. I haven't tested my app on Galaxy Tab so it looks like it doesn't have some codecs for Mpeg 2.

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