Jelly Bean

Issue #6 resolved
Ivo Stefanoff created an issue

Hi. I have tested on galaxy tab 2 7" with 4.1.1 and neither mpeg4 nor mpeg2 programs could be played?Any suggestions?Missing codecs? I did traffic sniffer and i can see http traffic but nothing is played? Some library changed from 4.0.4 to 4.1.1? Regards

Comments (10)

  1. Max repo owner

    Hi. Looks like some codecs are missing or you are trying to open UDP streams, which are not supported by Android (UDP streams are supported but I can't make it work with video).

  2. Ivo Stefanoff reporter

    Hi.I am using http streams(udpxy converts udp multicast streams) Neither mpeg2 nor h264 channels work? I have tried to modify /etc/media_codecs.xml with no success. I can't believe that in 4.1.1 both mpeg2 and h264 are missing. Some ideas? Regards

  3. Max repo owner

    Perhaps that codecs are missing. Now I'm trying to add support of VLC library to use it instead of internal Android player but I don't know when I finish it.

  4. Ivo Stefanoff reporter

    Would be great - vlc library is powerful enough and it will be platform independant in the future. Keep doing good work. Oh, i forgot - on the different screen resolution preview window doens't fit correctly - it has some +(x,y) relative offset. Regards

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