
Issue #100 invalid
Jon Ellis created an issue

It appears the Division email system is down

Comments (10)

  1. Jon Ellis reporter

    actually one of the returns was an email to u have an outside email I can send?

  2. Daniel Hawton

    Error on your end. I'm getting all these from bitbucket to my VATUSA email, and have been in conversations using that email all day.

  3. Daniel Hawton

    Host not reachable means your email server isn't connecting to ours. That doesn't mean our mail server is down but could easily be network issues with your mail server or a dozen other things. I have several checks that go every few minutes to check it and the website and have no reports. I'm in email conversations with others. So not sure what to tell you other than contact your mail provider.

  4. Jon Ellis reporter

    thanks DH...Im not knowledgeable with these things lol. Appears Zoho was down....I have confirmed the emails were received

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