Request: Exam Center Statistics

Issue #104 new
Don Desfosse created an issue

Many many moons ago, our exam center could provide some statistics. I have some I'd like to reintroduce and would like to expand on. I'll describe what I'm looking for the best I can.... ;)

  1. Ability to select an exam, define a time period, and see number of attempts and percent pass vs. fail. Then ability to export (I'm thinking .csv) the detail (including name, CID, facility, date taken, grade).

  2. Ability to select an exam, define a time period for the results, and see how many passed the exam on the first try, second try, third try, etc., or did not pass ever. May need to limit the search period to one year or whatever the current rule is for "you have to take it again because you've been gone too long", but no less than one year range.

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