New Controller Email

Issue #28 resolved
Ryan Parry created an issue

We got a transfer from the inactive list, but never received an email stating we had a "new controller/ transferring controller", the DATM just noticed it waiting to be accepted.

Ryan Parry 965346

Comments (8)

  1. Ryan Parry reporter

    No, I don't recall us having any pending when the new site was launched. Even if it was old I think we would have gotten the old email, and I have nothing stating he joined ZOA except for our welcome email.

  2. Daniel Hawton

    There are emails sent out as of late yesterday when the add is processed. I'm not sure if DT created a transfer pending notification. TODO: verify existence of pending transfer, if not create view and modify controller to handle. Also ensure losing facility is notified.

  3. Daniel Hawton

    It went through prior to the change I made to the code. The email was only going to the "from", not "to". That's been resolved.

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