Exam assignments after roster removals

Issue #40 wontfix
Josh G created an issue

We recently had a controller fail our entry exam three times, which leads them to be removed from our roster.

His exam is still listed to be reassigned on September 1st.

Maybe this issue is just because of the transfer over, but could you have exams assigned to a certain CID removed after they are removed from our roster?

Josh Glottmann - 1275389 - ZMA

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Hawton

    Negative, no assignments were carried over. Exam assignments will not be removed if a user is removed from the roster in case they are left as a visitor, etc. The old site didn't remove exam assignments for that and that is the status quo.

  2. Josh G reporter

    @dhawton, we just had a student who was removed from our roster reassigned our entry exam, after he already transferred to another facility. Is there anything you can do to correct this, at the least for in house controllers?

  3. Daniel Hawton

    If they are assigned one of your exams, it displays on your exam assignments list regardless of facility affiliation (for visitation purposes). Instructors, TAs and senior staff can see and unassign it.

  4. Daniel Hawton

    Yes. Exams were always visible based on the facility the exam is owned by rather than user associated to (otherwise, how would visitors ever be assigned or unassigned exams?). Exam reassignments, etc. were always automated.

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