Exam results through the API

Issue #47 resolved
Aaron Osher created an issue

The old data feed used to allow us to get what exams our students have taken and what scores they got on them. Would it be possible to re-introduce this and possibly expand on it to allow for the actual questions they got wrong to be sent as well? This is very useful for the training staff that aren't I1/3 or facility staff as they don't have access to any of the exam information.

Aaron Osher - 1319973 ZAU Webmaster

Comments (7)

  1. Daniel Hawton

    Got it completed early:

    GET to exam/results/(cid) will display all completed exams GET to exam/result/(result id) will display the detailed information for that exam result

  2. Timothy Roden

    Is it possible to add the unique ID of the exam to the result in case the name of an exam is ever changed for any reason?

  3. Daniel Hawton

    @ajgeek I added an exemption to the API to allow HTTP rather than HTTPS, but will require HTTPS on 9/7 along with the ULS requirement.

    @Timroden, exam ID added... keep in mind, if an exam is deleted or renamed, the id won't change but will always reflect what the exam was when the user took the exam.

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