Unable to access documentation/wiki

Issue #59 invalid
Jay M. Keith created an issue

CID: 1367545

I'm a brand new user and have not been able to locate the documentation that has been referred to me. ZSE Support provided me the following links which appear to be dead now.

Basic ATC Reference Material on the VATUSA Training Resource Center website at http://www.vatusa.net/training/tiki-index.php

Basics of Clearance Delivery and Ground Control by reading the VATUSA reference material at http://www.vatusa.net/training/tiki-index.php?page=S1%20Training

Is this now in another location?

Comments (4)

  1. Jay M. Keith reporter

    I saw you had the old.vatusa.net site going there for a little bit.. Is there any way to access the old stuff for the time being? I just want to study up.

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