VATUSA Tests do not let you review/go back through the questions

Issue #69 wontfix
Former user created an issue

When taking a VATUSA test, you should be able to go back and review the questions you answered before submitting the test and having it graded. We should either be able to review the test as we are taking it (go back to the previous questions or something like that) or once we are done answering all the questions, there should be a review button to take us through the entire test again (with our answer choices selected). This will allow students to review the entire test one more time before having the system grade it. Currently, after you are done selecting the answer for the last question in the test and click on "Next," it just grades the test - something many students may not like and already have raised a concern about.


Vishaank Ghai | Seattle Training Administrator (TA) |

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