Download exams for Instructing Staff

Issue #70 resolved
JQTheTA created an issue

Is there a way we could bring back to life the option to download exams from the exam center like we used to be able to in csv format or whatever it is called so we can see the exams in an excel spreadsheet? Also, is there a way we could add a section for each question for notes that can be seen by instructing staff only that could contain things like a reference for each questions answer?


Comments (9)

  1. Daniel Hawton

    Didn't even notice that.. depends.. are you looking for a reference box, or something for instructors to put notes in?

  2. JQTheTA reporter

    Just a place for INS to put notes so they can see where the reference is but the student can't. Make sense?

  3. Daniel Hawton

    Instructors don't have access to edit exams and I don't think I want to introduce that without discussing with the powers above. How about the TA can put the notes and instructors can only see it per question? Would that functionality suffice?

  4. Daniel Hawton

    Notes have been added. They will only be relevant if they exist while the exam is taken and won't be updated after the exam is taken.

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