Rating History not updating

Issue #75 resolved
Daniel Hawton created an issue

Submitted by Don.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Hawton reporter

    From ticket:

    Rating history area in upper right of member records is not updating.

    Examples: 1104849 I3 --> C3 on 09/19/2016

    995625 C1 --> I1 on 09/16/2016

    995625 C1 --> I1 on 09/16/2016 I processed it twice by accident)

    960263 SUP -> I1 on 09/12/2016

  2. Daniel Hawton reporter

    Cannot fix the 960263 SUP -> I1, that promotion change was never submitted through VATUSA so the website so there is no history of it.

  3. Don Desfosse

    1090995 I1 --> I3 on 09/28/2016 Did not process

    When I try to process it again, all I get is a tiny "Error" notation next to the "Save" button.

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