NextGen API - Removing a member from the ARTCC

Issue #87 resolved
Zach Yarid created an issue

When removing a member from the ARTCC using the API, the documentation says that the POST field 'by' and 'reason' must be populated. When attempting to execute the API call, I got the error message: 'By and msg arguments are not optional'.

When I changed reason to msg, the call worked as expected. The issue here is the discrepancy between the documentation and what the system actually is expecting. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be 'reason', but just a simple mistake leaving 'msg'. Or if 'msg' was supposed to be the actual POST field name.

Zach Yarid 1284793 ZTL Webmaster

Comments (3)

  1. Daniel Hawton

    Was busy helping VATCAN who has been without a website for several weeks getting up, so this was so far down on the TODO list while I helped another division go from nothing to being back in business.

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