Exam Issue

Issue #89 resolved
Jon Ellis created an issue

The old site would provide an email with any incorrect answers from a student when failing a Rating exam. I just had a C1 student fail said exam, and I have no way of reviewing their mistakes.

Also.....the body of text for the canned response email needs to be changed. "passed" should be PASS, and the emotion of the entire template is not appropriate. This is the first time since new USA site, I have seen the email....and I was shocked upon reading it. The Subject a member sees should be more subtle like the old site....and the whole idea of "Better luck next time", needs to go. This comes across to me (someone who is not taking exams, and have been here for awhile), as demeaning, and hurtful......I can only imagine what new student's feel.

Comments (7)

  1. Daniel Hawton

    The old website never sent emails with answers. You are misinformed. The exam email templates read the same as the old. You can see the exam results the exact same way as the old website.

  2. Daniel Hawton


    Here is a screenshot with an exam result available to senior staff and i1s. Students can also see their results and their answer (not the correct)

  3. Jon Ellis reporter

    where in the Exam Centre is this located???? My access does not provide this, and the student has no access either

    Jon Ellis

    Air Traffic Manager

    The Atlanta Center ARTCC


    email - j.ellis@atlantacenter.net

  4. Jon Ellis reporter

    And YES we did get emails......standby for separate email being forwarded....It sent a failure email, then we were able to go to the site to view the issues

  5. Daniel Hawton

    You said the answers were emailed. They weren't. You access them the same way ... Member management.

    Students go to the exam center and it's the first thing shown.Screenshot_20161015-191611.png

  6. Jon Ellis reporter

    I see the difference now......old sit there was a link which said "View student results", or something to that effect. I did not realize there was an option through the Member Mgmt feature......thanks DH

    Jon Ellis

    Air Traffic Manager

    The Atlanta Center ARTCC


    email - j.ellis@atlantacenter.net

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