Auto reject transfers not compliant with policy

Issue #91 resolved
Mani Manigault created an issue

Look at Harry Bickerton 1320208 record. He joined ZBW 10/4 and requested transfer to ZDV 10/13. He then requested transfer to ZLC 10/14. Is it possible to code the website to reject the ZDV to ZLC transfer automatically since 90 days haven't passed between the second and third transfer?

Manuel Manigault 960933

Comments (5)

  1. Matt Bozwood-Davies

    If this covers members with pending transfers: LUKE STINE - 1372201, initially selected HCF and the same day requested to transfer to ZJX and then with our pending transfer still, transferred to ZMA and that's been accepted. Request to us is still pending and will remain that way as a process might mess up his page, Dan to process at mine and CL request.

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