Checks on Invalid Edge source and targets

Issue #39 new
Murray Bryant created an issue

Can we please throw an error when the source or target in the edge can not be found.

Currently no error is thrown if there is a non found target or source

Comments (2)

  1. Vince Bickers repo owner

    Unfortunately, this isn't as simple as it sounds.

    The problem is that it is perfectly valid for two nodes to not be found - they may have conditions associated with them, which means they don't get created. In this case, throwing an error would be wrong, because not trying to creating the edge is correct.

    At the point an edge gets created any information about why the related nodes don't exist isn't available. I'll have a think about this.

  2. Murray Bryant reporter

    Yes I understand what you mean.

    How about an initial check that is checking the config json. Checking that a configured edge does exist somewhere above

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