Availability of the sources

Issue #40 resolved
Alex Smith created an issue

Hello. In the wiki it's stated that sources can be cloned. (https://bitbucket.org/vbickers/neo4j-databridge/wiki/1.2%20Installation.md#!12-installation) However, if I try it, the password prompt appears. And on the website of GraphAware it's stated that this product is non-free. Could you please tell me whether it's non-free indeed, and if so, I'd suggest modifying your wiki.

Comments (3)

  1. Péterson Sampaio Procópio Júnior


    I actually ran into the same issue. In the wiki there is this information: 1.1 Licensing

    "Neo4j-Databridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."

    Could someone please clarify this information?

  2. Vince Bickers repo owner


    Apologies for the confusion. Databridge uses libraries that are part of Neo4j Enterprise Edition, and these are not licensed under the GPL. The previous licensing information was therefore incorrect and has been changed as follows:

    GraphAware Databridge is licensed under the GraphAware Commercial Licence (https://graphaware.com/legal/GACL.pdf) for use with Neo4j Enterprise Edition. The GraphAware Commercial Licence (GACL) and the Neo Technology Commercial Licence (NTCL) are fully compatible.

    The GACL entitles you to install and use GraphAware Databridge to work with any and all of your licensed Neo4j instances. You may install the software on any machine, and there is no restriction on the number of copies you may install.

    The GACL is not compatible with the Neo4j Community Edition licence but a time-limited trial version of GraphAware Databridge is available that may be used with Neo4j Community Edition, for evaluation purposes only.

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