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neo4j-databridge / 4.3 Importing JDBC databases

4.3 Importing JDBC databases

Databridge can import data from any JDBC-compliant datasource.

Configuring a JDBC import resource descriptor

When configuring an import from a relational database you need to provide connection information and an SQL query string. Here's an example:

  "name": "jdbc-resource",
  "resource" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost/employees?useSSL=false",
  "user" : "root",
  "password" : "",
  "query" : "SELECT * from departments"

For more complex queries, you can save your query in a text file with ".sql" extension and reference it from the resource descriptor:

  "resource" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost/employees?useSSL=false",
  "user" : "root",
  "password" : "",
  "query" : "departments.sql"


If you need to provide a username and password to connect to the database, you can add them as separate attributes in the resource descriptor, as shown in the above examples.

Installing JDBC drivers

Databridge does not provide any JDBC drivers. To connect to a specific database, you must copy an appropriate driver into the lib folder of the importer.

Common JDBC connection strings

Here's a table of connection strings and drivers for some of the JDBC databases supported by Databridge. Consult the vendor documentation for additional information.

Database Sample connection string Driver
MySQL jdbc:mysql://<host>/<db> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Postgresql jdbc:postgresql://<host>/<db> org.postgresql.Driver
Microsoft SQL Server jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:1433;DatabaseName=<db>
IBM DB2 jdbc:db2://myhost:5021/mydb
Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host><:port>/<sid> oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Configuring the schema mapping

One of the design principles of Databridge is that schema mappings are agnostic of the underlying data being loaded. As a result a schema mapping for a JDBC resource is no different from the schema for any other datasource. Here's a typical example, where the column names come from the JDBC results generated by the query:

  "resource" : "departments_resource.json",
  "nodes" : [ {
    "type" : "departments",
    "identity" : [ "dept_no" ],
    "update_strategy" : "unique",
    "labels" : [ {
      "name" : "departments"
    } ],
    "properties" : [ {
      "name" : "dept_no",
      "column" : "dept_no"
    }, {
      "name" : "dept_name",
      "column" : "dept_name"
    } ]
  } ],
  "edges" : [ ... ]
