porting to 4.8.*

Issue #10 new
Dmitrii Pasechnik created an issue

it will need

  1. generation of gap_version.h done by the updated GAP build system (by make, after it builds (if needed) GMP...)

  2. update of generation of config.h, which now generates HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY and HAVE_GETRUSAGE (which are autoconf macros)

Comments (1)

  1. Dmitrii Pasechnik reporter

    I ended up making the following src/gap_version.h by hand

    #define GAP_BUILD_VERSION  "libgap-4.8.1"
    #define GAP_BUILD_DATETIME "2016-01-14 17:40:33 (GMT)"

    GAP generates this file during build and puts it in bin/<arch>.... (libGAP_ prefixes will be added then by the script)

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