Feed AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR with a truly libGAP input

#10 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in jgmbenoit/libgap/debian/4.8.5+3+20160327g69a66f0+dsx-1/autotoolization/ac/srcdir (pull request #10)

939d270·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-02-05


Description: autotoolization: autoconf: unambiguous AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR input Provide AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR with a source that is truly unique to the libGAP source ball. For some distributions, the source ball must be organized in such a way that copyright of each material is unambiguous. In other words, ambiguous material might be discarded from src/: at the time of packaging, AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR is fed with a patched source file from the GAP-core source ball, to avoid any trouble we want to feed it with a truly libGAP source file. Meant to be submitted to the upstream maintainer. Origin: vendor, Debian Author: Jerome Benoit calculus@rezozer.net Last-Update: 2016-11-12

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